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Nos questions à trois étudiants internationaux

Sciences Po Aix



Cette semaine, nous avons rencontré trois de nos étudiants internationaux ! Daniela, Janick et Myrthe vous parlent de leur parcours universitaire et de leur quotidien en France. 

1. Could you introduce yourself ?

Daniela Miranda  :  I come from Madrid, Spain. Back home, I am studying International Relations and Global Communication and it is my 5th year of university.

Janick Bayer : Bonjour à toutes et à tous, I am a student from Munich, Germany. I am currently pursuing a bachelor's degree with Political Sciences as my major and Law as my minor, now studying in my third year. Within my studies, I am focusing on international security and international law.

Myrthe Van Wilgen : I am a 3rd year bachelor student of Political Science from Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands. I am 21 years old, I work in a restaurant and I love swimming, horseback riding and reading. You can always find me drinking a glass of wine on a terrace somewhere with friends. As a student of political science, I am really interested in feminist theories, international relations and european affairs.  

2. Where are you from ? And why did you choose Sciences Po Aix  for your year abroad?

Daniela : I come from Comillas Pontifical University ICADE-ICAI in Madrid, Spain. The main reason I picked France was to improve my French. In particular, I chose Sciences Po Aix because it is a well-known university and I knew it was not that big, so it would be easier to meet people. I also really wanted to explore the South of France.

Janick : I was born and grew up in Munich, where I am also studying. So, after all the time living in the same city (which I love) I really wanted to live for a longer period of time in another country. And what could be better than the south of France? It’s furthermore needless to say that Sciences Po AIx enjoys a very good reputation and offers a lot of courses which are very different from the ones of my home university.

Myrthe : I was originally going to Moscow, but due to covid this was not possible. I then chose Sciences Po Aix, firstly because of its good reputation and its emphasis on law and international relations and secondly, I chose Aix because of its weather :) I also liked that this is a small school. After all the online lectures in covid times the past 1.5 years, it's really refreshing to have only physical lectures with a small group of people. 

3. What were your expectations before leaving? And the reality, are you surprised? Disappointed?

Daniela :
Before leaving, I didn't know what to expect, to be honest, I was a little worried because I am used to big cities and Aix is super small, I thought I was going to get bored. However, I was so wrong, I am never bored in Aix, there is always something to do. Aix is full of cool stores, bars and restaurants and the students I have met in Sciences Po are all super nice. There are many associations you can join and there is a wide variety of courses we (as international students) can pick from. I am surprised at how amazing this experience has been so far, it has definitely exceeded my expectations.

Janick : I have informed myself a lot about the way of teaching and the student life by talking to alumni and reading reviews, and I have to say that it’s as I have expected it. But the way of teaching is different to what I am used to at home. In Germany there is nothing like an elite status when it comes to studying at a University. Since I have been in Aix, I have noticed that people have this elitist image of  Sciences Po. And I have to say that I kind of like that. Nevertheless most students I have met are not arrogant in any way, but instead very nice and open-minded.

Myrthe : I actually didn't do a lot of research, because Aix was a last-minute decision for me. I actually like that Aix is so pretty and that the weather is still so nice, even in late october. I did think that Aix would be bigger, but a small city for me is okay for one semester abroad. Aix is a good starting point for nice day-trips around France! I already went to so many nice cities, the cheap public transport for students helps with this.

4. What advice would you have liked to have before arriving in France?

Daniela : Bring summer, fall and winter clothes. The weather in Aix is weird, you have to be prepared for the random temperature changes. I wish I had my swimming glasses/ "masque de snorkeling" too, to see the fish in the Calanques.

Janick : Don’t fear not making friends here. It’s nearly impossible to not finding them. And prepare your wallet for the city. It’s gonna be an amazing experience, but also an expensive one

Myrthe :  I would have liked to know that we had to have French insurance and French healthcare insurance, even if you're European. A lot of international students struggle with this.  

Un grand merci à l'association Alainternationale pour son accueil des étudiants internationaux, l'accompagnement de ces derniers tout au long de l'année ainsi que pour son aide pour la rubrique de cette semaine !  

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